03. May 2022

Doing some biological modeling

At my new job our focus is to uncover scientific insights to accelerate and improve scientific research. I’m a data engineer by trade, but the science side of the business bleeds in to what I do on a fairly regular basis. Without the scientific and research background that many of my peers have, I feel the need to do some self improvement in those areas. So I was happy to find a series of videos on youtube titled Computational Biology with Python (Modeling Gene Networks) created by Mike Saint Antoine


12. April 2022

Diabolical Answers In Wordle

I’ve blogged several times about wordle before. It’s a great game for someone like me who loves words. I don’t think I’m a great wordle player, but I love thinking about the intricacies of the game. One bugaboo in wordle, which I’ll call “diabolical answers” is when you reach a point where you have four letters correct and there are many possible answers. The worst of these would have more than six possible words, meaning you aren’t guaranteed a win even though you’re almost done.


14. March 2022

Messing Around In Beam, π Day, And More Wordle

Apache Beam is a distributed programming framework, mostly designed as a counterpart to the DataFlow service in Google Cloud Platform. In the past I’ve done a fair bit of work on pipelines in Spark and with a service architecture, but I’ll be needing Beam for my new job, so Ive been playing around a bit with that.
