04. April 2016

Playing with Vue.js

A coworker recently filled my ear with praise for vue.js. I’m always eager to try new frameworks, and the benefits over angular (namely performance and simplicity) sound really promising. I haven’t had a chance to develop anything serious with this, but my initial attempt was exhilirating.


27. March 2016

Relevance Graphing

Last month a workmate and I flew down to San Francisco to go to elasticon.

I attended an interesting talk given two employees of Giant Oak. Giant Oak does contracting for government agencies to try to solve social problems. I am not sure if this is their motto but one of the speakers say that they “see the people behind the data,” which sounds really cool.


02. February 2016

Fun with `fork`

In irb,


Now typing exit will not work because your keystrokes might go to either the parent process or the forked child process. I found it to be impossible to get the characters exit to coherently all go to the same process.