I’ve blogged several times about wordle before. It’s a great game for someone like me who loves words. I don’t think I’m a great wordle player, but I love thinking about the intricacies of the game. One bugaboo in wordle, which I’ll call “diabolical answers” is when you reach a point where you have four letters correct and there are many possible answers. The worst of these would have more than six possible words, meaning you aren’t guaranteed a win even though you’re almost done.
I’ll start with an example. The word “soare”, which I blogged about earlier as being a great first guess, is also a diabolical answer, and this happened to me the other day. Assuming all but the second letter are correct, other possible answers include:
- scare
- share
- slare
- snare
- spare
- stare
- sware
Admittedly some of these are rare and don’t occur in wordle’s dictionary.
I am still working on learning more Apache Beam, so I thought I would try to find these diabolical words using that tool. Here is the algorithm:
import apache_beam as beam
from wordfreq import word_frequency
# should probably use the actual wordle dictionary.
dictionary = "/usr/share/dict/words"
def is_lower(x):
return x.lower() == x
def is_fives(text):
return len(text) == 5
def to_missings(word):
retval = []
for i in range(len(word)):
s = word + ""
s = s[:i] + "_" + s[i + 1:]
retval.append((s, word))
return retval
def remove_rares(x):
return word_frequency(x, 'en') > 1.0e-06
with beam.Pipeline() as p:
fives = ( p |
beam.io.ReadFromText(dictionary) |
"is lower" >> beam.Filter(is_lower) |
"is fives" >> beam.Filter(is_fives) |
"is common" >> beam.Filter(remove_rares)
various_lists = (fives |
"create keyed missings" >> beam.FlatMap(to_missings)
| "unique those" >> beam.Distinct()
groups = (various_lists |
"group by missing chars" >> beam.GroupByKey()
filtered_groups = (groups |
"only baddies" >> beam.Filter(lambda x: len(x[1])> 5)
output = (filtered_groups |
"hopefully found something" >> beam.Map(print)
Note the use of the wordfreq
library, one of my faves, to
remove rare words, based on the heuristic threshold I decided
on of 1.0e-06
. This gives a really pleassing (to me at least)
list of diabolical answers 😈:
- _arry: barry, carry, harry, larry, marry, parry
- _atch: batch, catch, hatch, latch, match, patch, watch
- _erry: berry, derry, ferry, jerry, kerry, merry, perry, terry
- _illy: billy, filly, hilly, milly, silly, willy
- _itch: bitch, ditch, fitch, hitch, mitch, pitch, witch
- _ound: bound, found, hound, mound, pound, round, sound, wound
- _ater: cater, eater, hater, later, mater, water
- _over: cover, dover, hover, lover, mover, rover
- _olly: dolly, folly, holly, jolly, molly, polly
- _ight: eight, fight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight, wight
- gra_e: grace, grade, grape, grate, grave, graze
- sha_e: shade, shake, shale, shame, shane, shape, share, shave
- sta_e: stage, stake, stale, stare, state, stave
Some of these have 6 or more entries, which would make them very frustrating.