An Intro to Data Build Tool (dbt)

Written by Ben Wendt

DBT is a tool to simplify populating the relationships between different tables. With DBT, you can specify the queries used to create your tables, as well as parameterizing portions of those queries. You can also add data tests.

Introduction: Getting to Know Data Build Tool (dbt)

Ever wished for a smoother way to handle your data without the headaches of complex ETL processes? Enter Data Build Tool, or as we fondly call it, DBT. It makes data transformations and modeling feel like a breeze.

DBT takes a refreshing approach to data pipelines, letting you express your data transformations in good old SQL. No need for fancy jargon or convoluted workflows—just simple, straightforward SQL magic.

In this article, we’ll take a relaxed stroll through the world of DBT, from setting it up to some cool tricks it can do. So grab your favorite drink, kick back, and let’s dive into the world of DBT together!

Installation of Project Bootsrapping.

To get started with dbt, the recommended method for installation is to use pip.

pip install dbt-{your adapater}

I am using bigquery, but there are adapters for all the major database engines, including snowflake, postgres, cassandra, mySQL, SQLServer, SQLite, Oracle, Athena, Redshift and many more.

So for me, the install was done with:

pip install dbt-bigquery

This mat take a while because it has to install some GCS dependencies, such as grpc. You can then confirm your DBT installed correctly with:

dbt --version

Now you will be ready to start your own DBT project. I have been keeping a GCP console open to bigquery to verify my changes.

First navigate to the parent folder of where you want to store your DBT project, and then run:

dbt init

This will start a configuration wizard which has fairly reasonable defaults. When the configuration is complete, cd to your new folder and you will be ready to start working with DBT.

DBT Profiles

DBT init will have created a file named dbt_project.yml in your project root. Take a look! This will have all the info you entered in the setup wizard. It’s also where you can configure connections to external sources of data.

We can add a reference to the public dbt-tutorial dataset in GCP by adding this to dbt_profile.yml:

  target: dev
      type: bigquery
      method: oauth
      project: dbt-tutorial
      dataset: jaffle_shop

Your profile is also the place where you configure your materialization strategy. The default is view. You can configure this by:

    # Config indicated by + and applies to all files
    +materialized: table

You can override this materialization config on a per-model basis in your model.

Database Seeds

DBT supports database seeds. These are described as:

Seeds are CSV files in your dbt project (typically in your seeds directory), that dbt can load into your data warehouse using the dbt seed command. Seeds are best suited to static data which changes infrequently.

Seeds are not meant as a way of loading database dumps, but it does seem like it would be pretty easy to abuse this.

Here are some seeds I will use for my demo.


3,The Matrix,1998
5,Terminator 2,1992


1,Sandra Bullock
2,Keanu Reeves
3,Mickey Rooney
4,Sigourney Weaver
5,Nick Frost
6,Linda Hamilton



Note that this is closer to “loading a dump” than proper seed loading, but this is for a demo, so that is fine.

If you now run:

dbt run

And look in your database, you should see these three tables.


The models/ folder is where you will put your model files. You can put a file in here such as:


select 1 as id, 'flea bane' as plant
union all
select 2, 'showy tick trefoil'

After a DBT run, these will appear in your database. It would be more common to do something like this:


        id as customer_id,

    from {{ ref('jaffle_shop', 'customers') }}

Note the use of the ref function here. DBT will resolve this reference to the table you set up in your profile; note how the first parameter jaffle_shop matches the profile name, and customers is the name of the table in that public dataset.


In the macros/ folder, you can define jinja macros that will be accessible from your models. For example, you could make a good customers macro called good_customer.sql:

{% macro good_customer(number_of_orders) %}
CASE when {{ number_of_orders }} >= 3 then
{% endmacro %}

This is needlessly verbose but serves to illustrate how to use a macro. Assume then that we use this macro in model called customers.sql:

with customers as (
 select * from {{ ref('stg_customers') }}


orders as (

    select * from {{ ref('stg_orders') }}


customer_orders as (


        min(order_date) as first_order_date,
        max(order_date) as most_recent_order_date,
        count(order_id) as number_of_orders

    from orders

    group by 1


final as (

        coalesce(customer_orders.number_of_orders, 0) as number_of_orders,
        {{ good_customer('customer_orders.number_of_orders') }} as is_good_customer
    from customers

    left join customer_orders using (customer_id)


select * from final

Here you see the reference to the good_customer macro. You can see the generated sql by looking in the target folder. So for this model, you could run cat target/compiled/my_proj/models/customers.sql, where you would see something like this:

with customers as (
 select * from `my_proj`.`my_dataset`.`stg_customers`


orders as (

    select * from `my_proj`.`my_dataset`.`stg_orders`


customer_orders as (


        min(order_date) as first_order_date,
        max(order_date) as most_recent_order_date,
        count(order_id) as number_of_orders

    from orders

    group by 1


final as (

        coalesce(customer_orders.number_of_orders, 0) as number_of_orders,

CASE when customer_orders.number_of_orders >= 3 then
 as is_good_customer
    from customers

    left join customer_orders using (customer_id)


select * from final

Note how the case statement has been inlined from the macro.


In the model folder, there is a file called schema.yml that will contain the schemas of all of your tables in yaml format. This is not auto-generated. You should be going in here and populating any fields you create. So for my customers table, I have:

  - name: customers
    description: One record per customer
      - name: customer_id
        description: Primary key
          - unique
          - not_null
      - name: first_order_date
        description: NULL when a customer has not yet placed an order.

Note the presence of the tests key. This is where you will define your data tests, including the ones I’ve shown here for column constraints, but you can do more interesting stuff as well.

A DBT test passes when the query it represents returns zero rows. So imagine I made a macro called test_does_not_contain.sql like this:

{% macro test_does_not_contain(model, column_name, unwanted) %}
select {{column_name}}
from {{model}}
where contains_substr({{column_name}}, '{{unwanted}}')
{% endmacro %}

(Note that test macro names must begin with test_.)

I can then use this test for my fields by adding it in the schema, like so:

- name: customer_orders_by_name
    description: a report on how many orders come from customers per first name.
      - name: first_name
        description: the 1st name.
          - unique
          - not_null
          - does_not_contain:
              unwanted: 😂
      - name: total_orders
          - dbt_expectations.expect_column_values_to_be_between:
              min_value: 0
              strictly: false

This will now throw an error if any first names contain the laughing smiling emoji ‘😂’.

Note the second added test. After installing the dbt_expectations package you can use its tests, and this one does range checking. You can install the package by running dbt deps --add-package dbt_expectations:1.0.0.

Data Tests

For larger tests, such as data quality tests, you can add a test in the tests folder, like this:

    {{ ref('order_amounts') }}
where order_amount_cents <= 0

As before, DBT expects zero rows to be returned from a test for it to pass. You can configure the expected number of rows for a failure or warning. You can run all the tests with dbt test. Tests will likely fail if you haven’t first populated their underlying tables. Tests also run when you do dbt run.


If you want the goodness of re-usable code to generate SQL without necessarily using it to populate a table, you can put SQL in the analyses folder. For example you could make movies_by_year.sql:

select year, count(*)
    {{ ref('movies') }}
group by year

Then run

dbt compile

Then inspect the file:

cat target/compiled/my_proj/analyses/movies_by_year.sql

This will give you something like:

select year, count(*)
group by year

Python models

DBT also supports python models. You could make something like

def my_transform(name):
    return f"{name} {name[0].lower()}"

def model(dbt, session):

    df = dbt.ref("customers")

    pdf = df.to_pandas()

    pdf['name2'] = pdf['first_name'].apply(my_transform)

    return pdf

You don’t have to use pandas here. In fact, is probably quite often a bad idea. df will be a spark data frame.

This will apply your custom transformation logic to each row and save that in the new table. Note that the python logic will be run through whatever flavour of spark is convenient for your platform. So since I’m using bigquery, that means dataproc.


And there you have it -— your crash course in Data Build Tool (DBT). It’s like the Swiss Army knife of data, simplifying your life and making building and managing data projects a whole lot easier.

As you venture into the world of DBT, remember that you’re equipped with a powerful tool that’s trusted by data professionals worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned analyst or a newcomer to the data scene, DBT offers a friendly and intuitive platform to work with.

So take a deep breath, relax, and dive into the wonderful world of DBT. Experiment, explore, and have fun with it! After all, data doesn’t have to be daunting -— it can be downright delightful with DBT by your side.

Here’s to embracing data adventures with a smile—dbt style!