An Intro to Data Build Tool (dbt) Hooks

Written by Ben Wendt

DBT supports hooks, which are a mechanism for running operations at different points of the execution of your DBT DAG. This is useful for running operations like adding a record to an audit table, running specific reports, and more.

Here I will show an example based on my “enriched movies” example from my previous blog post. Consider the use case where you want to export a table to your data lake after populating it using DBT run. You could do something like the following:

{{ config(
  post_hook = "EXPORT DATA
    uri = 'gs://bq_movie_export/movie_export/*.json',
    format = 'JSON',
    overwrite = true)
AS (
  FROM dbt_bwendt.enriched_movies
  ORDER BY movie_title
) }}

with movies as (
    select id as movie_id, title
    from {{ ref('movies') }}
actors as (
    select id as actor_id, name
    from {{ ref('actors') }}
movie_actor_mapping as (
    select id, movie_id, actor_id
    from {{ ref('stg_actor_movies') }}
    movies.title as movie_title, as actor_name
from movie_actor_mapping
join movies using (movie_id)
join actors using (actor_id)

Note the use of the config macro with a post hook specified. The action performed by the post hook is:

    uri = 'gs://bq_movie_export/movie_export/*.json',
    format = 'JSON',
    overwrite = true)
AS (
  FROM dbt_bwendt.enriched_movies
  ORDER BY movie_title

This is a bigquery specific export option that will write the table to the specified GCS location. If you were to look in the generated file, you would see this in JSONL format:

{"id":"3","movie_title":"Avatar","actor_name":"Sigourney Weaver"}
{"id":"5","movie_title":"Paul","actor_name":"Sigourney Weaver"}
{"id":"2","movie_title":"Speed","actor_name":"Keanu Reeves"}
{"id":"1","movie_title":"Speed","actor_name":"Sandra Bullock"}
{"id":"6","movie_title":"Terminator 2","actor_name":"Linda Hamilton"}
{"id":"4","movie_title":"The Matrix","actor_name":"Keanu Reeves"}

Bigquery’s export automatically writes these out in a way that will be easy to read into another distributed processing engine like dataprow or dataflow.