30. May 2013

Simple Markov Chain in PHP

Here’s a simple Markov chain implementation in PHP, loosely adapted from this excellent write up about implementing Markov chains in javascript:

class Link {
    private $nexts = array();
    public function addNextWord($word) {
        if (!is_string($word)) {
            throw new Exception('addNextWord method in Link class is run with an string parameter');
        if (!isset($this->nexts[$word])) {
            $this->nexts[$word] = 0;
    public function getNextWord() {
        $total = 0;
        foreach($this->nexts as $word => $count) {
            $total += $count;
        $randomIndex = rand(1, $total);
        $total = 0;
        foreach($this->nexts as $word => $count) {
            $total += $count;
            if ($total >= $randomIndex) {
                return $word;

class Chain {
    private $words = array();
    function __construct($words) {
        if (!is_array($words)) {
            throw new Exception('Chain class is instantiated with an array');

        for($i = 0; $i < count($words); $i++) {
            $word = (string) $words[$i];
            if (!isset($this->words[$word])) {
                $this->words[$word] = new Link();
            if (isset($words[$i + 1])) {
                $this->words[$word]->addNextWord($words[$i + 1]);
    public function getChainOfLength($word, $i) {
        if (!is_string($word)) {
            throw new Exception('getChainOfLength method in Chain class is run with an string parameter');
        if (!is_integer($i)) {
            throw new Exception('getChainOfLength method should be called with an integer');
        if (!isset($this->words[$word])) {
            return '';
        } else {
            $chain = array($word);
            for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) {
                $word = $this->words[$word]->getNextWord();
                $chain[] = $word;
            return implode(' ', $chain);

And here is an example of usage:

function get_all_words_in_file($file) {
    return preg_split('/s+/ ', file_get_contents($file));

$file = 'testtext2.txt';

$words = get_all_words_in_file($file);
$chain = new Chain($words);
$newSentence = $chain->getChainOfLength('The', 200);
echo wordwrap($newSentence, 80, "n");

Conceptually, a Markov chain captures the idea of likelihood of traversing from state to state. You can populate this data for a block of text by passing through a block of text and counting the number of occurrences of words that follow a given word. You can then use this data to generate new blocks of text.

24. May 2013

A Mandelbrot Set Viewer via Javascript and Canvas

In mathematics, a fixed point is an input x for a function f such that

f(x) = x

The Mandelbrot Set is a visualization of which points near 0 in the complex plane are fixed points for the function f(z) = z^{2} - 1, where zinmathbb{C}. Points that are fixed are rendered in black, while all other points are colour-coded based on how quickly repeated application of the function to a point diverges.

Images of the Mandelbrot set should be familiar to most everyone. It’s an infinitely detailed, self-similar set of rainbows surrounding bubbles.




So here’s my javascript and canvas based Mandlebrot viewer:

var xScale, xOffext, yScale, yOffset, xVal, yVal;
var canvas, h, w;
updateScalesAndOffsets = function() {
    xScale = parseFloat(document.getElementById('xScale').value);
    xOffset = parseFloat(document.getElementById('xOffset').value);
    yScale = parseFloat(document.getElementById('yScale').value);
    yOffset = parseFloat(document.getElementById('yOffset').value);
updateCanvasAndDimensions = function() {
    canvas = document.getElementById('m');
    h = canvas.getAttribute('height');
    w = canvas.getAttribute('width');
doMandelbrot = function() {
    var iteration, max_iteration = 1000, l, x, y, x0, y0, xtemp;
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

    for (var i=0; i < w; i++) {
        for (var j=0;j < h; j++) {
            // for each point in the image, generate the color value.
            x0 = xScale * (i / w) + xOffset;
            y0 = yScale * (j / h) + yOffset;

            x = 0;
            y = 0;

            iteration = 0;

            while (x*x + y*y < 4 && iteration < max_iteration) {
                // this is parametrically performing the complex function f(z) = z^2 -1.
                xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0;
                y = 2*x*y + y0;
                x = xtemp;

            if (x*x + y*y < 4) {
            } else {
                l = iteration < 50? iteration : 50;
                // set colors using hsl so that the number of iterations to diverge maps to the hue.
                ctx.fillStyle='hsl('+Math.floor((iteration/max_iteration)*256)+',100%,' + l + '%)';

mouseMove = function(e) {

    xVal = xScale * (e.clientX / w) + xOffset;
    yVal = yScale * (e.clientY / h) + yOffset;
    var xCoordinateElement = document.getElementById('xCoordinate'), yCoordinateElement = document.getElementById('yCoordinate');
    xCoordinateElement.innerHTML = xVal;
    yCoordinateElement.innerHTML = yVal;

zoomIn = function() {
    document.getElementById('xScale').value = parseFloat(document.getElementById('xScale').value) / 2;
    document.getElementById('xOffset').value = xVal - parseFloat(document.getElementById('xScale').value) / 2;
    document.getElementById('yScale').value = parseFloat(document.getElementById('yScale').value) / 2;
    document.getElementById('yOffset').value = yVal - parseFloat(document.getElementById('yScale').value) / 2;

zoomOut = function() {
    document.getElementById('xScale').value = parseFloat(document.getElementById('xScale').value) * 2;
    document.getElementById('yScale').value = parseFloat(document.getElementById('yScale').value) * 2;

moveDir = function(dir) {
    switch (dir) {
        case 'up' : document.getElementById('yOffset').value = yOffset - yScale / 10; break;
        case 'down' : document.getElementById('yOffset').value = yOffset + yScale / 10; break;
        case 'right' : document.getElementById('xOffset').value = xOffset + xScale / 10; break;
        case 'left' : document.getElementById('xOffset').value = xOffset - xScale / 10; break;

23. May 2013

Reactive Programming in PHP

Wikipedia has this to say about reactive programming:

In computing, reactive programming is a programming paradigm oriented around data flows and the propagation of change. This means that it should be possible to express static or dynamic data flows with ease in the programming languages used, and that the underlying execution model will automatically propagate changes through the data flow.

Inspired by projects like knockout.js and reactor.js, I thought I’d give it a shot in PHP. Here is an example implementation:

$Signal = function($v) {
    if (is_callable($v)) {
        return function() use ($v) {
            return $v();
    } else {
        return function($a = null) use ($v) {
            static $return;
            if (is_null($return)) {
                $return = $v;
            if (!is_null($a)) {
                $return = $a;
            return $return;

And here is an example of usage:

include 'Reactor.php';

$foo = $Signal(1);

$bar = $Signal(function() use ($foo) {
    return $foo() + 1;
$bar2 = $Signal(function() use ($foo, $bar) {
    $val = $foo();
    return $val * $val + $bar();

echo $foo() . "n";
echo $bar() . "n";
echo $bar2() . "nn";


echo $foo() . "n";
echo $bar() . "n";
echo $bar2() . "nn";


echo $foo() . "n";
echo $bar2() . "nn";