19. July 2013

Parsing mathematical expressions and calculating the result

Given a string like 2 * 2 + 2, how would you calculate the value? It’s necessary to tokenize the string, parse those tokens, and apply the order of operations to the parsed data.

Here is the function to throw a string at.


function calculate($input) {
    $tokens = tokenize($input);
    $parsed = parse_tokens($tokens);
    $result = calculate_from_parsed($parsed);
    return $result;

And I just rely on PHP’s built in tokenizer, which I throw a wrapper around.

function tokenize($input) {

    $tokens = token_get_all("<?php $input");
    return $tokens;

So here is the first function that really does anything. Note that only pedmas rules are followed. The parser doesn’t deal with anything like exponentiation, trig functions, etc.

function parse_tokens($tokens) {

    if (!is_array($tokens)) {
        // invalid input.
        return false;

    $expecting = null;

    $parsed_tokens = array();
    $skip_to = 0;

    foreach($tokens as $token_number => $token) {
        if ($token_number < $skip_to) continue;
        if (is_array($token) && isset($token[0])) {
            switch($token[0]) {
                case 305 :
                case 306 :
                    if (!is_null($expecting) && $expecting != 'number') {
                        exit('error 1: unexpected token ' . print_r($token, true) . "nn");
                    $expecting = 'operator';
                    $parsed_tokens[] = $token[1];
                case 372:
                case 375:
                    // whitespace

                default :
                    exit('error: unhandled token ' . print_r($token, true) . "nn");
        } else {

            if (!is_null($expecting) && $expecting != 'operator' && $token != '(' && $token != ')') {
                exit('error 2: unexpected token ' . print_r($token, true) . "nn");
            switch($token) {
                case '(' : 

                    $new_tokens = array();
                    $parentheses_count = 1;
                    for ($i = $token_number + 1; $i < count($tokens); $i++) {
                        if ($tokens[$i] == '(') {
                            $parentheses_count ++;

                        } else if ($tokens[$i] == ')') {
                            $parentheses_count --;

                        if ($parentheses_count != 0) {
                            $new_tokens[] = $tokens[$i];
                        } else {
                            $skip_to = $i;
                            $expecting = 'operator';

                    $parsed_tokens[] = parse_tokens($new_tokens);
                    $expecting = 'operator';
                case '+' :
                case '-' :
                case '*' :
                case '/' :
                    $parsed_tokens[] = $token;
                    $expecting = 'number';

    return $parsed_tokens;

Now run through the parsed tokens, apply the order of operations, and run until there is a result.

function calculate_from_parsed($parsed_tokens) {

    if (count($parsed_tokens) == 1 && !is_array($parsed_tokens[0])) {
        return $parsed_tokens[0];
    } else if (count($parsed_tokens) == 1 && is_array($parsed_tokens[0])) {
        return calculate_from_parsed($parsed_tokens[0]);
    } else {
        foreach($parsed_tokens as $token_number => $parsed_token) {
            if (is_array($parsed_token)) {
                $parsed_tokens[$token_number] = calculate_from_parsed($parsed_token);

        while (count($parsed_tokens) > 1) {
            $continue = false;
            foreach($parsed_tokens as $token_number => $parsed_token) {
                $previous_token_pair = get_previous_token_pair($parsed_tokens, $token_number);
                $previous_token = $previous_token_pair[0];
                $previous_token_index = $previous_token_pair[1];
                if ($parsed_token == '*' || $parsed_token == '/') {
                    if ($parsed_token == '*') {
                        $parsed_tokens[$token_number] = $previous_token * $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1];
                        unset($parsed_tokens[$previous_token_index], $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1]);
                        $continue = true;
                    } else if ($parsed_token == '/') {
                        $parsed_tokens[$token_number] = $previous_token / $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1];
                        unset($parsed_tokens[$previous_token_index], $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1]);
                        $continue = true;
            if ($continue) continue;

            $parsed_tokens = array_values($parsed_tokens);

            foreach($parsed_tokens as $token_number => $parsed_token) {
                $previous_token_pair = get_previous_token_pair($parsed_tokens, $token_number);
                $previous_token = $previous_token_pair[0];
                $previous_token_index = $previous_token_pair[1];
                if ($parsed_token == '+' || $parsed_token == '-') {
                    if ($parsed_token == '+') {
                        $parsed_tokens[$token_number] = $previous_token + $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1];
                        unset($parsed_tokens[$previous_token_index], $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1]);
                    } else if ($parsed_token == '-') {
                        $parsed_tokens[$token_number] = $previous_token - $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1];
                        unset($parsed_tokens[$previous_token_index], $parsed_tokens[$token_number + 1]);

            $parsed_tokens = array_values($parsed_tokens);
        if (count($parsed_tokens) == 1) {
            $parsed_tokens = array_values($parsed_tokens);
            return $parsed_tokens[0];

And since we pop results out of the array as we go we need a helper function for retrieving the previous populated element in an array.

function get_previous_token_pair($tokens, $token_number) {
    $return = false;
    for ($i = $token_number - 1; $i > -1; $i--) {
        if (isset($tokens[$i])) {
            $return = array($tokens[$i], $i);
    return $return;

And here is a little test suite, all of which pass:

$tests = array(
    array('(1.1 + ((1)))', 2.1),
    array('2 + 2', 4),
    array('1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1    + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1      + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 + 1', 15),
    array('2*(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)    + 3*(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)      + 4*(1 +1 + 1 + 1 + 1)', 45),
    array('(1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)*2 + (1 + 4)*3 + (1 +1 + .5+.5 + 1 + 1)*5', 50),
    array('2 * 2', 4),
    array('2 * (1-1)', 0),
    array('2 * 2 + 2', 6),
    array('2+ 2 * 2', 6),
    array('(2+ 2) * 2 + 2', 10),
    array('(2+ 3 + 1) / 3 + 7', 9),
    array('2+ 2 * 2 + 2', 8),
    array('729 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3', 9),
    array('729 / 3 / (3 / 3) / 3', 81),
    array('2 + 1', 3)

foreach($tests as $test) {
    $input = $test[0];
    echo "$input = ";
    $result = $test[1];
    $generated_result = calculate($input);
    if ($generated_result == $result) {
        echo "$generated_result passedn";
    } else {
        echo "$generated_result <-- FAILEDn";

10. July 2013

Viable promises in PHP using pthreads

I’ve looked at making promises in PHP before, but it was a bit pointless due to PHP’s synchronous nature.

But PHP isn’t necessarily synchronous. You can add threading capabilities by installing pthreads. Using this library it is possible to set up functioning promises (with a few limitations) in PHP.

Pthreads supports stacking threads, which is essentially a promise. As such, this blog post is essentially a rehash of any of the pthreads examples of Stackable. The basic idea is to set up a class that inherits from Worker, initialize an instance, start it going, then stack on an instance of a class inheriting from Stackable.

My implementation of this pattern will allow the passing of arbitrary functions to these classes, which is what the promise pattern is all about. It works, but there is a limitation. You can pass function names in (e.g. count_to_a_million), but not closures (e.g function() {echo "foo";}). [Aside: for some reason PHP calls anonymous functions closures even though they are only related concepts.] It appears that pthreads has some hidden serialization of parameters going on under the hood, and PHP does not support serialization of closures. Because of this, my implementation only supports the passing of function names (although it could be modified to accept parameters as well, as those could be serializable).

Here are the classes:


class PromiseClass extends Worker {
    private $_promise = null;
    public function run() {
        $func = $this->_promise;
    public function __construct($promise) {
        $this->_promise = $promise;

class ThenClass extends Stackable {
    private $_promise = null;
    public function __construct($promise) {
        $this->_promise = $promise;
    public function run() {
        $func = $this->_promise;


As you can see PromiseClass and ThenClass have the same extended properties and methods, but are based on different classes.

Here is how to use these classes to implement Promises in PHP:

function then_function() {
    echo "and then...n";

function promise_function() {
    echo "promise function called...n";

$promiser = new PromiseClass('promise_function');

$then = new ThenClass('then_function');


for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
    echo "testn";

The output for the above example should be something like the following (the outputs of “test” are there to show that this work is asynchronous):

promise function called...
and then...

Promises are most useful as a means of waiting for data before performing an action with it. In that regard this is not an ideal solution as it would require some form of kludge. If PHP had proper closures it would be reasonable but in this form it would likely need to require use of the global operator which is never nice.

08. July 2013

Non-functional Sleep Sort Implemented in PHP using pthreads

I’ve looked at Sleep Sorting before. The basic idea is that each scalar in your collection to be sorted will be used as it’s own weight, which is then used as the delay before outputting it as output.

In a perfect world, all elements are sent to this time-based output buffer at the same instant, in which case the results will be accurate.

When I did this before in javascript, the results were accurate because javascript is an asynchronous language. When you call setInterval, other things can happen before that interval is complete.

PHP is not asynchronous. You could imagine looping through a collection and calling sleep before each echo and that this would be a basic sleep sort implementation. This doesn’t work because in PHP sleep is blocking. The result will be a script that waits the sum of the array seconds in total, and outputs the order unchanged.

function sleepcount($sleepnum) {
    echo "$sleepnumn";
foreach($nums as $num){

There are several methods of implementing threading in PHP. A beta PHP extension called pthreads is one way to do this. Here’s an implementation based on the pthreads Async example:

function sleepcount($sleepnum) {
    echo "$sleepnumn";

class Async extends Thread {

    public function __construct($method, $params){
        $this->method = $method;
        $this->params = $params;
        $this->result = null;
        $this->joined = false;

    public function run(){
        if (($this->result=call_user_func_array($this->method, $this->params))) {
            return true;
        } else return false;

    public static function call($method, $params){
        $thread = new Async($method, $params);
            return $thread;


$nums = array( 6, 2, 4, 1);

foreach($nums as $num){
    $future = Async::call("sleepcount", array($num));

On my development machine this does not product the correct results. It only sorts elements pairwise, so my result is

2, 6, 1, 4

This is likely because my development machine has a dual core processor. That’s just part of the fun of concurrent programming I suppose.

There may be a better way of implementing this in pthreads. I wouldn’t know. I’m only currently getting my feet wet with it.